Associate Professor of Marine Science
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Environmental Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Resilience, Coral Restoration, Global Change, Microbiology
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine Ecology, Restoration ecology, Experimental ecology, Biological oceanography, Coral reef conservation, Climate change impacts, Coral Physiology, Probiotic microbial consortia, Microbial Ecology, Conservation strategies, Public policies
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine Microbial Ecology, Microbiology, Metabolic Ecology, Size Structure, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, Trait-based Ecology, Climate Change, Ecology and Evolution
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Host-associated Microbiomes, Blue Carbon Ecosystems, Climate Change, Biogeochemistry
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Coral Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Marine Symbiosis, Chemosynthesis, Applied Microbiology
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Extremophiles, Microbial cultivation, Microbial ecology, Biotechnology of extremophiles, Astrobiology, Functional and comparative genomics
Postdoctoral fellow
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Coral Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Symbiosis
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Coral Restoration, Climate change, Ocean acidification, Sponge ecology, Microbial ecology, Marine probiotics
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Physiological Ecology, Physiological Adaptation, Comparative Physiology, Marine Ecology, Stress Physiology, Ecophysiology
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Marine Microbiology, Marine Microbial Ecology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Marine Probiotics, Biorremediation, Host-microbiome interactions
PhD Student
Research Interests: Sea turtle biology, Probiotics, sea turtle health and medicine, coral reef ecology, microbial ecology, marine conservation
PhD Student
Research Interests: Coral Spawning, Population genetics, Coral microbiome, Millepora, Red Sea
PhD Student
Research Interests: Carbonate Sedimentology, Petrography, Red Sea, Coral reefs, Marine Ecology
PhD Student
Research Interests: Coral Microbiology, Coral ecology, Marine microbes, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Symbiont transmission, Evolution, Resilience, Climate Change, Vitamins
PhD Student
Research Interests: Microbiology, Coral ecology, Coral resilience, Marine Microbial Ecology, Functional Microbiome, Marine biology, Marine Probiotics, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMC's)
Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: Marine Microbial Ecology, Coral Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Marine Probiotics, Epigenetics
PhD Student
Research Interests: Conservation Biology, Microbial Ecology, Molecular Biology, Marine Ecology, Coral Physiology
Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: Applied Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Corals, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Marine microbes, Red Sea
Master's student
Research Interests: Biotechnology, biosensors, bioelectronics, nanomaterials
Master's student
Research Interests: Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Ecological Genomics, Marine viruses, Climate Change, Bioleaching of corals
Coral Restoration and Transplantation Specialist
Research Interests: Coral microbiome, Coral Restoration, coral reef ecology
Research Specialist
Research Interests: Microbiology, Applied Microbiology, Conservation and rehabilitation, Integrated ecosystem management
Research Technician
Research Interests: Ecology, Zoology, Ecology of macrobenthic communities, Succession in ecology, Population dynamics of marine species, Data analysis of biological datasets, Diversity
VSRP student
Research Interests: Deep-sea ecology, Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, Coral reefs, Climate change
VSRP Student
Research Interests: Coral microbiome, Molecular Biology, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMC's), bioinformatics, coral-algae symbiosis
VSRP student
Research Interests: Coral microbiome, Marine Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Corals pathogens
Visiting PhD Student
Research Interests: Coral ecology, Coral Physiology, Nitrogen Cycling, Ocean warming, Resilience, Cassiopea sp.
Visiting PhD Student
Research Interests: Coral microbiome, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Marine Microbiology
Visiting Researcher
Research Interests: Coral reef microbial ecology, Microscopy, Cell Biology, Symbiodiniaceae
Visitor Master's Student
Research Interests: Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Molecular Biology, Biodiversity
Visitor Master Student
Research Interests: Microbiology, Marine Ecology, Evolution, Molecular Biology, Biodiversity
Visiting student
Research Interests: Marine Probiotics, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Coral Microbiology
Research intern
Research Interests: Coral microbiome, Marine biology, Coral reef conservation, Ecosystem Functioning
Visitor PhD Student
Research Interests: Probiotics, Marine environment protection, Molecular Biology, Integrated ecosystem management
VSRP Intern
Research Interests: Coral Microbiology, Symbiosis, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMC's), Reef Restoration, Coral ecology
Visitor - Research Scientist & Invited Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Chemical ecology, Blue Biotechnology, Host-microbe interactions, Octocoral microbiomes, Metabolomics, Metagenomics, Genomics, Microbial Ecology, Aquatic biology
Master student
Research Interests: Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Applied Microbiology, Virology
Visiting Student
Research Interests: Coral Restoration, Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), Climate Change, Coral Microbiology, Marine Ecology
Visiting Master Student (VSRP)
Research Interests: Symbiosis, Coral Restoration, Probiotics, Microbiology
VSRP Student
Research Interests: Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Reef Restoration, Artificial Reefs, Coral Physiology, Nitrogen Cycling
PhD (visiting) student
Research Interests: Octocoral virome, Marine Probiotics, Host-microbiome interactions, Comparative genomics, Applied Microbiology
PhD (visiting) student
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Coral reefs, Deep-Water Coral, Genomics, Microbial Cultivation
Senior Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine Ecology, marine biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, Integrated ecosystem management, Ecosystem health assessment, Conservation and rehabilitation
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Coral Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Marine Symbiosis, Host-microbiome interactions
VSRP Student
Research Interests: Coral ecology, Applied Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Coral Physiology, Coral Restoration
Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: Microbial communities, Deep-sea ecology, Biotechnology, Bioremediation
Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: Marine Metagenomics, Marine Microbial Ecology, Microbial Cultivation, Functional and comparative genomics, Blue Biotechnology
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Corals Resilience, Microbial Ecology, Functional Microbiome, Corals Ecology