10 September, 2023
Coral Probiotics Village Now on Google MapsThe Coral Probiotics Village is now on Google Maps! This means that you can easily find us and add reviews, beautiful photos, and more.
17 August, 2023
Can probiotics protect corals from problems like bleaching?Interview Q&A session for the Knowable Magazine with KAUST Prof. Raquel Peixoto.
Prof Raquel explains how can probiotics protect corals from problems like bleaching, and more...
10 August, 2023
Professor Raquel S. Peixoto Gives Keynote Speech at ISME-LAT23Raquel S. Peixoto, Vice President of the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), gave a keynote speech on "Microbial Ecology-Based Medicine to Rehabilitate Threatened Environments" at the closing of the ISME-Lat 23 conference. The conference, which was held from August 7-10, was the third Latin American Congress of Microbial Ecology.
05 April, 2023
TKS and RSRC/M&M Outreach CollaborationThe Marine Microbiomes Lab had the opportunity to be part of the recently launched Collaboration between TKS Elementary School and the RSRC with a talk about "Coral Reefs: Through the eyes of Researchers".
26 October, 2022
KAUST, AEON Collective align goals in a sustainable-focused collaborationThe AEON KAUST collaboration will see as a first step under this engagement the co-appointments of both Prof. Carlos Duarte and Prof. Raquel Peixoto from KAUST as members of Aeon Collective working to advance efforts towards planetary repair, ecosystem restoration and resiliency.
20 December, 2021
KAUST inaugurates the world’s first Coral Probiotics VillageKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) recently announced the inauguration of the world's first coral probiotics village in the Red Sea. The village, located around 20 km off the campus shores, is part of the University's Red Sea Research Center (RSRC) efforts and approach to coral preservation and restoration. The inaugural featured an underwater ribbon-cutting ceremony and was attended by representatives from KAUST leadership, RSRC researchers and students, as well as members from the community.
29 July, 2022
Microbiome stewardship in rapidly declining ecosystems: The high risk of inactionNew microbiome-based interventions, such as the use of probiotics, are beginning to be identified as key to reverse deterioration and protect wildlife. There is an urgent need for moving from devising to safely testing and implementing these approaches.
09 June, 2022
Probiotics for corals boost resilience, help prevent mortalitySaudi Gazette: "A new study shows probiotics to be helpful protagonists in boosting coral health and preventing mortality in the face of environmental stressors, such as warming oceans and changing climate conditions."
09 June, 2022
Prof. Raquel Peixoto in The EconomistFollow the conversation with Prof. Raquel Peixoto in The Economist about the coral crisis and potential solutions highlighting coral probiotics.
16 May, 2022
Student Focus: Nathalia DelgadilloWe took some time to talk to Nathalia Delgadillo, currently a PhD student at Prof. Raquel Peixoto Marine Microbiomes lab.
21 April, 2022
Dr. Raquel Peixoto named a Fellow of the International Coral Reef SocietyDr. Raquel Peixoto, KAUST associate professor of marine science at the Red Sea Research Center (RSRC), is recognized as a Fellow of the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) for her contributions to the field of coral probiotics.
07 November, 2021
Restoring coral healthCoral reef ecosystems are severely threatened by climate change. The urgent need to address the issue is driving a new era of innovation in reef science, shown by a global multidisciplinary exploration of different approaches to enhance coral resilience.
An international team including KAUST professors Manuel Aranda and Raquel Peixoto, with adjunct professor Chris Voolstra, have proposed an adaptive framework to increase the resilience of corals in the face of climate change.
29 November, 2021
KAUST scientists propose a nature-based adaptive approach to boost coral restorationCoral reefs are rapidly degrading all over the world due to climate change and human activity. This phenomenon has dire consequences on the livelihoods of almost one billion people who directly depend on the ecosystem services delivered through healthy tropical reefs. Based on current projections, and without active intervention, coral reefs may become extinct by the year 2050.
18 October, 2021
The coral warriorThe microbiologist Raquel Peixoto gives the corals, which can only survive in symbiosis with algae and bacteria, a probiotic treatment. A medicine that makes them more resilient and thus buys them time.
21 October, 2021
Finding Bright Spots in the Global Coral Reef CatastropheThe first-ever report on the world’s coral reefs presents a grim picture, as losses mount due to global warming. But there are signs of hope — some regions are having coral growth, and researchers found that corals can recover if given a decade of reprieve from hot water.
15 August, 2021
Probiotics for corals boost resilience, help prevent mortalityAs more coral reefs around the world suffer from bleaching and mass mortality due to warming ocean temperatures and related climate change conditions, good news about reefs is welcome news.