The Red Sea Research Center Coral Probiotics

The use of Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs) as coral probiotics is one new methods being explored for reef conservation, restoration and rehabilitation. Our group has proposed and proven the concept that BMCs can mitigate the impacts caused by thermal stress and pathogens (Rosado et al., 2019). Despite their documented success in protecting against coral bleaching, the mechanisms associated with this protection, its application, fate of inoculated microbes and success in natural systems, and BMC possible interactions or connectivity with other organisms in the reef, remain to be explored. For this reason, the aim of this project is to isolate, select, and assemble specific BMC consortia from the Red Sea coral reefs and evaluate its role in promoting coral growth, coverage, health and connectivity with other organisms as well as to perform a deep investigation of the symbiotic relationships between corals and their associated microbiota, and its ecological outcomes.