Júnia Schultz

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellow


Dr. Júnia Schultz is a biologist with a PhD in Biotechnology and Bioprocesses, specializing in the exploration of microbiomes from extreme environments for biotechnology and astrobiology applications. Additionally, Dr. Schultz is responsible for the organization and management of the KAUST Microbial Vault that includes over 2,600 microbial strains cultured and isolated from coastal and extreme ecosystems of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Selected Publications

  • Genomic Insights into Novel Extremotolerant Bacteria Isolated from the NASA Phoenix Mission Spacecraft Assembly Cleanrooms. Schultz, J.; Jamil, T.; Sengupta, P.; Sivabalan, S.K.M.; Raman, K.; Rosado, A.S.; Venkateswaran, K. Microbiome Journal (2025, Accepted).


  • Genomic and phenotypic insight into antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas fluorescens from King George Island, Antarctica. Silverio, M.; Schultz, J.; Parise, M.T.D.; Parise, D.; Viana, M.V.C; Nogueira, W.; Ramos, R.T.J.; Góes-Neto, A.; Azevedo, V.A.D.C.; Brenig, B.; Bonelli, R.R.; Rosado, A.S. Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 16 (2025).


  • Investigating Polyextremophilic Bacteria in Al Wahbah Crater, Saudi Arabia: A Terrestrial Model for Life on Saturn's Moon Enceladus. Schultz, J.; dos Santos, A.; Almeida Trapp, M.; Modolon, F.; Romanenko, A.; Jaiswal, A.K.; Gomes, L.; Rodrigues-Filho, E.; Rosado, A.S. Astrobiology, 24(8):824-838 (2024).


  • Rhinocladiella similis: A Model Eukaryotic Organism for Astrobiological Studies on Microbial Interactions with Martian Soil Analog. dos Santos, A.; Schultz, J.; Dal’Rio, I.; Modolon, F.; Trapp, M.A.; Tenório, B.G.; Stajich, J.E.; Teixeira, M.M.; Pilau, E.J.; Rosado, A.S.; Rodrigues-Filho, E. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024, Indicated to the journal cover issue).


  • Carboxysomes: The next frontier in biotechnology and sustainable solutions. Schultz, J.; Correa, S.S.; Zahodnik-Huntington, B.; Naschberger, A.; Rosado, A.S. Journal of Biotechnology Advances, 79:108511 (2024).


  • Disentangling the autotrophic thermophiles: concepts, diversity and emerging trends. Schultz, J.; Correa, S.; Santos, A.; Rosado, A.S. Book “Microbial Diversity in the Genomic Era”. Ed. Surajit Das, Hirak Ranjan Dash, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780443133206 (2024).


  • Widespread hydrothermal venting and bacterial Fe-mound growth at Hatiba Mons volcano, central Red Sea Rift. van der Zwan, F.N.; Augustin, N.; Petersen, S.; Altalhi, S.; Schultz, J.; Peixoto, R.S.; Follmann, J.; Shepard, L.; Anker, A.; Benzoni, F.; Peredes, E.G.; Malallah, M.A.; Jägerup, S.B.; Ouhssain, M.; Jones, B.H.; Rosado, A.S. Communications Earth Environment, 4, 496 (2023).


  • In situ devices can culture the microbial dark matter of corals. Modolon, F.; Schultz, J.; Duarte, G.; Vilela, C.L.S.; Thomas, T.; Peixoto, R. iScience, 108374, 2023.


  • Shedding light on the composition of extreme microbial dark matter: alternative approaches for culturing extremophiles. Schultz, J.; Modolon, F.; Peixoto, R.; Rosado, A.S. Frontiers in Microbiology, v.14, 2023.


  • Genome analysis of coral-associated bacteria highlights putative beneficial mechanisms for host protection and hydrocarbon-degradation potential. Villela, H.; Modolon, F.; Schultz, J.; Delgadillo-Ordoñez, N.; Carvalho, S.; Soriano, A.U.; Peixoto, R.S. Scientific Reports, 13, 12273, 2023.


  • Ph.D. Biotechnology and Bioprocesses, Institute for Microbiology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with partial completion of a graduate program at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, 2019.


  • M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering Department, Regional University of Blumenau, Blumenau, Brazil, 2015.


  • B.Sc. Biological Sciences, Department Natural Sciences, Regional University of Blumenau, Blumenau, Brazil, 2012.

Professional Profile

  • 2021-Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. With a visiting research at the Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in Berkeley, United States of America (May-July, 2024).


  • 2019-2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Institute for Microbiology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • 2017-2019: Visiting researcher  at the Department of Environmental Microbiology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, in Leipzig, Germany – August 2018 to March 2019. Visiting researcher at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia – June to August 2017. Visiting researcher at the Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes, University of Western Brittany, in Plouzané, France – April to July 2018.


  • 2015: Lecturer (Environmental analyses), Biomedical Institute, Uniasselvi Group, Blumenau, Brazil.


  • 2015: Lecturer (Human Biology), Department Natural Sciences, Regional University of Blumenau, Blumenau, Brazil.


  • 2009-2012: Undergraduate researcher (Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology), FURB, Blumenau, Brazil.

Scientific and Professional Membership

2023-Present: Applied Microbiology International (AMI).

2022-Present: International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME)


2025    Approved grant from ARAMCO oil company (US$ 200,000) – “Biosurfactant-producing extremophiles: a valuable and promising green solution for upstream oil and gas applications”.

2024    Scholar fund for early career scientists, offered by International Society for Microbial Ecology, for the training at the Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, in Berkeley, United States of America.

2024    Travel grant for the ISME19, offered by International Society for Microbial Ecology, held in Cape Town, South Africa.

2023    Travel grant for the Thermophiles16, offered by Applied Microbiology International and Federation of European Microbiological Societies, held in Bangor, North Wales.

2022    Best poster presentation in 13th International Congress on Extremophiles, Loutraki, Greece.

2022    First author Research article selected as Cover Image and Editor’s pick of mSystems.

2022    Selected for the EBAME7 Workshop on Computacional Microbial Ecogenomics, hosted by Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, in Plouzané, France.

2019    Postdoctoral fellowship at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), supported by Shell Brazil.

2019    Best thesis of the Graduate Program in Plant Biotechnology and Bioprocesses (UFRJ).

2019    Travel Award for the 1st International Microbial Ecology Congress – Latin America (ISME LA), offered by ISME, held in Valparaiso, Chile.

2018    PhD exchange in Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, contemplated with a National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES) scholarship.

2018    International mobility grant from the University of Western Brittany, Plouzané, France.

2017    Selected to be one of six Brazilian students to receive the “Australia – Brazil PhD Exchange Award”, offered by the Australian Government – Australian Academy of Science and Australian Embassy to Brazil.

2015    PhD’s scholarship – First place in the Doctorate of the Graduate Program in Plant Biotechnology and Bioprocesses (UFRJ) and funded by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

2015    Public Call MCTI/CNPq nº 14/2013 – Universal Project – Influence of temperature and hydraulic detention time in the treatment of textile sludge and biogas production in UASB.

2013    Master’s scholarship – National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education.

2012    VI Fritz Müller/FURB Award, Teaching category. Offered by the Fritz Müller Foundation and FURB, Blumenau, Brazil.

Research Interests Keywords

Extremophiles Microbial cultivation Microbial ecology Biotechnology of extremophiles Astrobiology Functional and comparative genomics