Alexandra Rodríguez Cárdenas

Master's Students

Master's student


Alexandra is a biomedical engineer with passion for environment conservation and protection of species. She is currently working with several biotechnology techniques like nanowire fabrication,  to find the mechanism of interaction between the corals and the BMCs to potentialize their use and aid in the recovery of bleaching corals. 

Selected Publications

  • Muscular tear comparison and identification program based on digital image processing for high performance athletes , Alexandra Rodríguez Cárdenas
    Conference presentation in the IEEE Student Congress RVP AI/ROC&C'2022 (August 2022, Acapulco, Mexico)
  • Hyaluronic acid based microporous annealed particle (HA-MAP) as an alternative for stroke treatment: a review , Alexandra Rodríguez Cárdenas, Genaro Paredes
    State of the art review for  alternative brain stroke treatments,  published in UDLAP student paper for Biomaterials Special 2021.


Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México, 2022

Professional Profile

- (2023) Young Professionals IEEE Puebla, Mexico coordinator

- (2022)  ACCUTECH, Mexico. Internship in medical equipment maintenance and operational services. 

- (2020-2022) IEEE student branch section representative and coordinator. 

-(2022) Social service, Dog orthesis design and project development. 

- (2021) National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Mexico. Internship in medical imaging processing. 

- (2018) UDLAP Computer, electronic and mechatronic academic department research service. 

Scientific and Professional Membership


Member of Students for Sustainability Club at KAUST

KAUST affiliations 


Microbial Ecogenomics & Biotechnology Lab


1. May 2022, National IEEE Congress Mexico, 100 anniversary. Women in Engineering, UDLAP student representative.

2. August 2022, IEEE Student Congress RP-AI/ROC&C'2022 full student scholarship

3. March 2023, IEEE Latin America Regional Meeting, Panama. Young Professionals Mexico representative.

KAUST Affiliations


Research Interests Keywords

Biotechnology biosensors bioelectronics nanomaterials