The weird and wonderful world of Saudi Arabia’s microbiomes - Feature at KAUST Discovery

10 December, 2023

The KAUST Discovery Magazine recently launched an article " The weird and wonderful world of Saudi Arabia's microbiomes" which provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of coral reef microbiology and the potential it holds for environmental conservation. This research offers a beacon of hope for the future of Saudi Arabia's coral reefs and marine ecosystems worldwide.

Several KAUST experts, including Prof Raquel Peixoto discussed the need for a collaborative approach, involving researchers, environmentalists, and policymakers, to ensure the success of coral reef restoration efforts.

"Saudi Arabia is home to microbial communities that can boost coral reef health, sequester carbon in the desert and enable plants to survive in the harshest environments — and that is just the beginning." (KAUST Discovery)

Prof Raquel Peixoto, in the section " A probiotic pick-me-up for coral reefs" elaborated more about the relation between coral microbes and climate change and on the many efforts that the Marine Microbiomes Lab research around the use of BMCs on corals entails.

